Michelle Reinglass ADR
Jun 12, 2012
8- Tip of the Week: The power of walking away
The power of walking away. Pretty strange that I would talk about, let alone say encouraging words, about walking away...Don't get me...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Apr 12, 2012
Mediation Tip: Pre-mediation calls
I recommend pre-mediation calls with the mediator. Each mediator's style is different; In my cases, we pre-set calls in advance of the...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Mar 15, 2012
Mediation Tip: Parties need to be heard
It is important for the parties to be heard at mediation. However, giving everyone a joint forum to "air out" their feelings often...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Feb 16, 2012
The power of an apology
The power of an apology. I know what you're thinking – (plaintiff): the apology will be insincere & defense just expects it to reduce...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Jan 13, 2012
Mediation Tip: Handle "early" mediations
I handle many "early" mediations. They often settle, but have challenges, specifically the lack of sufficient information about the other...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Jan 3, 2012
Mediation Tip: Prepare your client for mediation
As you prepare for a mediation, also prepare your client for the mediation process. It can help to share with your mediator any...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Dec 29, 2011
Mediation tip: Opposing counsel’s goal ..your ally
Keep in mind an end-goal of your opposing counsel being your ally in the other room at mediation...Establishing a good and cooperative...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Dec 15, 2011
Mediation tip: Space to move your numbers
While it is necessary to include sufficient space with which to move your numbers, when the other side recognizes the reasonableness of...
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