from defense counsel
(employment Wrongful Termination case)
“Thanks Michelle. We appreciate your persistence on the case, after our initial concern that you may have overvalued it. You made a mediator’s proposal for exactly the right number.
Overall, my client and I were quite pleased with your services, and I have recommended you to my colleagues at the firm.”
(employment Disability case)
“Dear Michelle: As always, thank you, great work on this mediation. Appreciate all your efforts.”
(employment Disability Case with FMLA/CFRA case)
“Thanks, Michelle. Glad we were able to get this one done.”
(employment Wrongful Termination case)
Michelle, “It was a pleasure working with you on this matter.”
(employment Discrimination and Wage & Hour case)
“Thanks, and happy new year! I hope we work together again soon”
(employment Sexual Harassment and Retaliation case)
“Thanks, Michelle. Glad we were able to resolve this one”
(Personal Injury Sexual Assault case)
“Hi Michelle, It was good working with you. In terms of feedback, I don't have any constructive criticism and I would definitely keep you in mind for any future matters. Thanks for your help.”
(employment Race Discrimination case)
“The Feedback is: You are wonderful!!!”
(Personal Injury Construction Site case)
“I wanted to thank you again for the patience and diligence you provided us. It was a pleasure working with you!”
(employment Wage & Hour Class Action/Harassment case)
“Thank you! I thought your follow-up efforts after the mediation were really great and were ultimately critical to getting the matters”
(employment Wage & Hour Class Action/Harassment case)
“Thanks again for all of your help, Michelle. We really appreciated your continued efforts to resolve both matters following the mediation.”
(employment Sex and Age Discrimination and Wrongful Term case)
“Hi Michelle – We are happy with the outcome obtained at mediation with you."
(employment Disability Case)
“Michelle, The mediation was great. You have a great blend of deep labor law knowledge and a real human/personal touch. My client had a facilitator that had great knowledge and one that truly cared about the outcome. That built trust in my client. Your interactions with the other side demonstrated that you were looking for the best result for all concerned. Your reputation is well earned. Thank you for a job well done. I'm sure I will be using you again in the future. “
(race discrimination case)
“Hi Michelle, Our client was very pleased with the mediation result. I in particular appreciated your cost-effective approach and going the extra mile for us (albeit into the night). I found your understanding of the PEO world and experience with insurance carriers to have been especially helpful in a multi-party action such as this case. Would be happy to recommend you for future mediations and, although most of my work is in the class action arena, to use you in class and other multi-party actions. Thanks again.”
(class action Wage & Hour case)
“Dear Michelle: I am always impressed with the way you handle the parties. Your dedication is heartfelt. I am grateful for what you do."
(employment Disability case)
“Thank you, Michelle. Our clients really connected with you and I don’t think we could’ve resolved the case without your great work. Hopefully we can get back to in-person mediations in the coming months!”
(employment FEHA Family Leave Act case)
“Thanks Michelle. I thought you did a nice job and will certainly look to you again. We had a challenging opposing counsel, and some challenging facts, but I thought you helped me, and (our client) navigate all of it as well as we could. Thanks as always for your help.”
(employment Retaliation & 1102.5 Whistleblower case - from (2) defendant’s counsels)
(a) “Thanks for serving as our mediator, Michelle. It was great working with you again, and I look forward to more opportunities to work with you in the future.”
(b) “Michelle, thank you very much for your assistance in helping us settle that dispute. I hope to have the chance to work with you again in the future.”
(employment Disability discrimination case)
“ Thanks, Michelle, and thank you, on behalf of the University, for all of your work in helping us get this case to resolution."
(employment disability case)
“Hi, Michelle, your efforts in helping both sides to see the benefit of resolving a difficulty matter that had pitfalls not generally appreciated by non-legal folk was once again appreciated. This was not an easy matter to resolve and had clients who were dug in on principle and personal differences. Your approach, demeanor and patience, in addition to persistence, helped get both sides to realize that what their respective counsel was alerting them to, good and bad, was indeed worth considering and, in the end, helped facilitate a resolution that otherwise may well not have transpired.”
(public entity disability case)
“Michelle, Overall, the mediation was a positive experience for our firm and our client. …We truly thank you for getting this case settled for us.”
(business, breach of contract and fraud case)
“Michelle, You’re fantastic.”
(disability/wrongful termination case)
“Michelle, Thank you. You really went above and beyond the call of duty.”
(wrongful termination, Wage & Hour, Slander & Assault case)
“Michelle, it was a pleasure as always.”
(wage & hour case)
“Michelle: As always, you did a great job on this one. Of note, you relate very well with my clients, I’ve had other mediations with (client) and she much prefers you as a mediator. I will recommend you on the next one. “
(sexual harassment case)
"Michelle, Thanks again for your help on this one. My client was having a tough day for personal reasons, but she really felt comfortable with you. I can't possibly make any suggestions to you except to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing the way you are doing it. Even though you were a career plaintiff attorney, I trust you to tell me the truth and to educate me where I need educating. Thanks for your help"
(employment disability/Leave of Absence case)
"Dear Michelle, Thank you. Again, we greatly appreciate your perseverance in getting this matter resolved."
(wage & hour, wrongful termination case)
"Dear Michelle, Thank you again for your persistence at yesterday's mediation."
(high dollar Disability discrimination and Wage & Hour case)
"Thank you Michelle, I really appreciate the work that you have put into this."
(sexual harassment case)
"Michelle, Thank you for all of your assistance. I think the mediation process and you, were instrumental in reaching the resolution."
(whistleblower case)
"Thank you, Michelle, for all your hard work getting us to this point.”
(disability discrimination case)
"Michelle, Thanks so much for all your help. This has been a bear to get to the finish line. Excellent job as always. Thanks very much."
(disability discrimination case)
"Michelle, I appreciate your help resolving our matter. My clients and I liked working with you and are pleased with the result. Thank you for working through the unexpected (X) issue so professionally."
(multi party harassment case)
"Michelle: I think you did an excellent job resolving this matter, particularly considering the many different parties/attorneys (each with their own personality) involved. Not all mediators really work to get cases resolved, but you are definitely one of them. I won’t hesitate to recommend you for our next mediation in the Orange County area. Thank you for your hard work."
(a sex harassment, disability discrimination & wrongful demotion case)
"Michelle, Thanks for your hard work and perseverance the other day. As you might expect (Client) is glad this was put to rest. Hope to work with you again and it was good seeing you."
(a disability discrimination case)
"Dear Michelle, I am writing to thank you once again for the remarkable job you did on this very difficult matter.
I knew we were in good hands early in the process when I experienced the substantial investment of time you devoted to the parties weeks before the mediation even began.
What I most appreciated is how delicately and effectively you handled our client representative, who was an important witness in the dispute. With the aplomb of a seasoned diplomat, you got her to acknowledge some tough issues without ever making her feel defensive or embarrassed.
I admired how you never showed a moment of frustration when the mediation's first day came to a screeching halt with a rather "low" best-and-final from the company. I now know that in the back of your mind you still saw some hope in resolving the dispute. While it's true that many good mediators would continue to work after the fact to try to salvage the settlement talks, I was impressed with how you sensed the right moment and the correct way of doing that.
The most important feedback I can give you is that your style of keeping your cool and staying on topic throughout the process is your strength. I think of the old deodorant commercial, "Never let them see you sweat." If you were concerned, frustrated or prepared to abandon all hope, you never showed it. And that kind of spirit becomes infectious in a stressful setting like a mediation."
(whistleblower/termination case)
"Hi, Michelle. Thanks for your determination and good work in getting the case settled. I look forward to working with you again!"
(sex discrimination, harassment and retaliatory demotion/termination case)
“Michelle recently resolved a matter I thought had little chance of resolving when the plaintiff nearly doubled a demand that had been flatly rejected prior to mediation. The initial mediation session was not successful, but Michelle stuck with it over the subsequent two months communicating with me and plaintiff’s counsel dozens of times until a resolution was achieved. Michelle is the reason the case resolved. It is as simple as that. I will be using her mediating skills in the future; especially in those cases that appear most difficult to resolve.”
(sex, religion & disability harassment & discrimination case)
"Dear Michelle,
It was a pleasure meeting you. You are a very good mediator. You have my vote of confidence.”
(Commission pay case)
"Michelle, I have nothing but the highest praise for how you conducted the mediation.
Due to your approach together with rational, realistic and unemotional clients and courteous and professional attorneys on both sides (which I am comfortable about saying even if immodestly doing so), it was among the best mediation experiences I have ever had. We look forward to using your services in the future.”
(personal injury case with serious injuries)
"Michelle- I thought you did a great job of settling this case. Instead of going back and forth with demands and offers, you found a number that resolved the case. A unique way to handle a mediation, which resulted in a settlement. Thanks again,”
(race discrimination and harassment case)
"Michelle: It was a pleasure working with you again. Ultimately, the end result speaks for itself: My client and the carrier are both very happy with the outcome, and so I am happy too. I get the credit, but your efforts in the afternoon saved the day."
(defamation and wrongful termination case)
"Hi Michelle, I think you are an outstanding mediator! Your perseverance and tenacity is what ultimately got this crazy case settled. As you know, this was an extremely sticky situation with some very emotional players. You handled all the parties the right way. When (other defendant) settled ... you won me over that much more by working so hard (with your daily, almost hourly phone calls) to resolve this case. I truly do not believe this case would have settled without you and I am grateful for your extraordinary efforts! I have already recommended you to several of my colleagues and will definitely utilize your services again in the future. THANK YOU!
(religious law case involving claims of infliction of emotional distress, interference with contract, breach of contract and defamation)
"Dear Michelle, In reply to your letter requesting feed back regarding your services as mediator, I can respond with one word, PERSISTANCE. Your experience, sensitivity, and skill are manifest, but it is your persistence which carried the day in settling our recent case. I look forward to utilizing your services in the future. Best Regards,"
(disability/pregnancy discrimination case)
"Michelle, As always, you did a great job. One of the reasons I come back to you so often is that my clients don’t feel attacked or judged by you as opposed to how they feel treated by other mediators."
(disability discrimination case)
"Overall experience at mediation was very positive. I liked your style. I have no criticisms of the experience. Thanks again."
(sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination & retaliatory termination case)
"Michelle, I was a little uncertain about agreeing to use you as a mediator the first time it was suggested to me a few years ago, but (Lawyer 1) and (Lawyer 2) highly recommended you. Since that time, you have repeatedly amazed me by negotiating settlements where I did not think there was any chance of success. I don't know how you do it or what you say in the other room that is so persuasive. In short, I don't know how you do what you do, so how can I possibly tell you how to do it better? My clients have always appreciated you and your insight. I have had nothing but positive feedback from the clients following your mediations. I guess all I can say is, keep doing what you are doing and I will see you at the next one."
(defamation/IIED case)
"Good job settling the case today. I was certain it wouldn't happen. It wouldn't have happened without you."
(wrongful termination case)
"Michelle: I appreciate, as always, your tenacity and sensitivity in helping get the matter resolved in a range that I think makes both sides equally unhappy but satisfied to have it behind them."
(sexual harassment and wage & hour (tip) case)
"Thank you Michelle. You did a great job."
(disability discrimination case)
"Dear Michelle, On behalf of myself, my office, co-counsel and our client, let me thank you for getting this case resolved. I hope (know) we will get to work together again in the near future."
(wrongful termination, breach of contract case)
"Hi, Michelle. Thank you for your assistance. You were terrific as usual."
(wage & hour - misclassification, overtime, meal & rest break)
"Michelle, I think your down to earth personality is a huge asset. I also like your ability to present facts/scenarios that are negative for my client in a way that is matter of fact, but not condescending or bullying. It is always hard to make progress when my client feels attacked and I don’t experience that with you which is one of the reasons I keep coming back."
(pregnancy discrimination/disability leave violation case)
"Michelle, thank you for a wonderful job. You were the perfect person to mediate this case. My clients were very pleased with your approach and the way you handled the case. Thanks."
(from a defense attorney )
"Michelle: I have no complaints. Both my client and I were pleased with your performance in the prior mediation, and that's why we used you again in the current case. You were prepared, professional and set a relaxed tone in both mediations, which I believe lends itself to settlement. Most important for me - you are an experienced employment attorney, and thus able to realistically evaluate the strengths and weakness of a case from both the plaintiff and defense perspectives. You also clearly communicate your case analysis, particularly to the client. I would not hesitate to use you again, and the same goes for my client, although I'm sure that he would like to stay out of the litigation arena from here on."
(wage & hour-misclassification & overtime case)
"Michelle: You did a great job to get this settled. Thanks."
(disability discrimination case)
"Dear Michelle: I was pleasantly surprised by your demeanor and ability to bring this case to a settlement. I had seen your name often recommended by plaintiff's counsel but was wary that you may attempt to persuade my client to pay more than the case was worth. To the contrary, you were fair, neutral and used your best efforts to resolve the case. Thank you for resolving the case for a reasonable amount and for the organic peanuts."
(contentious sexual harassment and termination case)
“Thank you Michelle. It was a pleasure working with you.”
(sexual harassment and termination case - highly contentious)
“Thank you, Michelle for your outstanding work.”
(sexual harassment case...from 2 Attorneys)
a) “Thank you for your hard work on this one. I know it wasn't easy but you were able to make it happen.”
b) “Thanks Michelle- great job on this one.”
(2 matters, one a housing discrimination case, and another 2 employment cases which were mediated together (1 was an add-on to the other) based on claims of age & disability discrimination, and wrongful termination)
“Michelle, (Client) and I thought you were fabulous. I also thought you were excellent for the (2-cases mediated together). You are on my "A" list for sure!”
(sexual harassment case)
“Thanks for your good work in helping us settle”
(age discrimination/public policy termination case)
“Hi Michelle, As I indicated to you, I was very pleased with your mediation efforts.
I like your style and both myself and (carrier) appreciated your
mediator's proposal. Keep up the good work, and I will certainly use you again in the future. Thanks.”
(federal court civil rights, police shooting case, allegations of excessive force)
“I thought that you were great. I appreciated how hard you worked in helping us arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution to this case. I look forward to seeing you in the future. Thanks”
(age discrimination)
“Michelle, the best feedback I can give you is that every time, without exception, that I propose you as a mediator for a case plaintiff's attorneys say "great, I have been looking for an opportunity to use Michelle." Just today plaintiff's attorney agreed to move mediation to Orange County to use you! Hope you don't get sick of seeing us.
Thanks you very much for your strong, yet friendly style!”
(wage & hour; unpaid overtime, meal & rest breaks)
“Thanks Michelle. Another great job on a tough case. I look forward to the opportunity in the future of utilizing your services.”
(insurance subrogation/ERISA- multi-party case)
“Dear Michelle, As far as feedback is concerned, I wouldn’t change a thing. Your attitude was just right, your style was comfortable, your points well taken and your understanding of the case thorough. You got it done in a situation where I doubted that it was possible. You did everything right and it was a textbook example of successful mediation.
I am definitely keeping you on my positive list and will look forward to working with you again soon. Thank you.”
(employment discrimination, multi-plaintiff case)
“Michelle: Thank you again for your persistence on the last piece of the case, and for including this extra effort as part of your original fee. My client is very appreciative and has you on their preferred vendor list. I think you did a terrific job and will definitely recommend to clients and opposing counsel as the mediator on my cases.”
(employment term, discrimination case)
“Michelle: My client and I wanted to thank you for the superb job you did in getting this matter resolved. You were able to quickly identify the issues and move the case toward resolution. Even when we hit some speed bumps in the process, you kept at it and eventually got the case done. Thanks again. I look forward to working with you again in the future. Thanks Michelle. You did a great job putting this one together”
(multi-plaintiff sexual harassment case)
“Hi Michelle, I just wanted to send you a quick email to thank you again for all your hard work in helping us get this case settled yesterday. I will definitely keep you in mind for any future mediation we may have. You did a great job. Thanks again.”
(pregnancy discrimination case)
“Michelle: Thank you very much for your continued persistence and assistance”
(wage & hour, overtime, meal & rest breaks case)
“Good job! Thank you!”
(gender discrimination, harassment and failure to investigate case)
“Dear Michelle: I sincerely appreciate your efforts and your skills which were key to us resolving the case. I would be honored to be a reference for you.”
“Once again, Michelle, you did an excellent job of keeping both sides apprised of the good, the bad and the ugly on this, and on the genuine value of reaching a settlement that made sense to both sides. Your time and effort in hearing the issues, facts and sensitivities involved was, I believe, very helpful in getting the parties to come together to reach a resolution. Thanks again.”
“Michelle, I must tell you I didn’t think this case would settle. Your friendly and informal manner and particularly, your kindness to (client), certainly put our clients at ease and, in my opinion, was instrumental to getting the case settled.
"It was a pleasure professionally and personally. I will be back.”
“On behalf of my client and myself, I want to thank you for your tenaciousness and perseverance. I went into this mediation with grave concerns - both about the plaintiffs' counsel (and what I perceived to be his unrealistic assessment of the case) as well as my own client's (or at least, one of their) willingness to pay. I know you were presented with difficult positions on both sides of the table, and appreciate the way you hung in there as we inched closer to resolution. Although I don't know what happened in the other room, I thought you were particularly adept at dealing with my clients. Thank you for your efforts.”
“You did a fantastic job on our sexual harassment case mediation!”
“Thank you so much for your extremely professional and tenacious handling of this difficult and contentious mediation through to its final resolution.”
“You were great. Will use you in the future.”
“It was a pleasure meeting you and working with you at the mediation of the (x) matter last week. As requested, please allow this correspondence to serve as feedback of your handling of the case.”
“I was extremely pleased with your dedication to the case, and to getting the matter resolved.”
“Quite honestly, I thought it was hopeless. However, your hard work paid off, and I think the resolution of the case was one in which both parties were pleased. I would happily use your services again in the future, and look forward to using you as a mediator in the near future.”
“Finally, thank you VERY much going above and beyond and working past the half-day cut off time to get our case resolved. I know my client was very happy to not have to spend any more money on that case, and I'm sure it will go a long way in choosing you as a mediator in the future on other cases.”
“Michelle – Nice working with you. (client) and I were impressed!! Thanks for your help in getting this resolved. I sent out your contact information…”
“Michelle, it was nice working with you and I look forward to working with you in the future.”
“Great job in the mediation for (company) - thanks for getting that case settled!”
“Michelle, It was a pleasure working with you on this case and I am glad that we were able to get it settled - finally!! Thank you for all of your effort and staying the extra hours - especially on a Friday night - to see it through to resolution. I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you again.”
“We would like to thank you for helping us achieve a successful resolution of the matter for our client.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and mediating this matter with you. Your tenaciousness in getting this case settled was remarkable. Like you, I am a firm believer that “movement is progress” in settlement negotiations, but many a mediator would have thrown in the towel, given the chasm between demand and offer that you faced. Your persistence, with patience and a positive disposition, however, achieved an agreement. I hope there will be further opportunities for the (agency) to enjoy the benefit of your assistance in resolving cases.”
“I think the result speaks for itself. You got the case settled. That is the bottom line.. You facilitated that and did not allow the process to bog down.”
“It was truly a pleasure working with you again on this mediation. In my view, your practice of having pre-mediation phone calls is a very good idea, which can help save time on the front end of a mediation session. You came into the mediation session well prepared and knowledgeable of the key facts. Given your breadth of knowledge and experience in this area of law, you were particularly well suited to address some of the unique issues that arise in disability cases.”
“Hi Michelle,
Thanks again for assisting in the resolution of this case. One thing in particular that I believe facilitated the settlement was the fact that you proactively kept both sides engaged in the mediation process after our first session did not result in a settlement. Otherwise, I think the discussions would have lost momentum and plaintiff's counsel would have simply filed an action in order to get the case back on track. Keep up the good work! I hope we cross paths again.”
“Michelle, It was a pleasure working with you again. I know that you are well respected in the mediation arena and for good reason. I was very pleased with the way you handled my client. Most times the mediators are very accusatory towards the defendants which makes them angry and defensive. It has been my experience that the softer approach works much better. You do that well. That's why the really good mediators are so effective, in my humble opinion. I also do not believe in a joint session up front and was pleased to see that with you as well. You did a very good job in a very difficult case as these cases tend to be. Thank you for your help!!”
“Thanks Michelle - great job getting that case settled - many more to come”
“Dear Michelle, I was very pleased with how you conducted the mediation, and look forward to working with you in the future.”
“Hi, Michelle. Your persistence and patience was extraordinary, particularly in the face of some difficult personalities. I've already sung your praises in that regard to some of my colleagues here, and I will be glad to keep you in mind for future cases. Thanks again!”
“I couldn’t have made it through the day without your help. I really appreciate your hard work and willingness to put in a long day for a case that was only separated by a few thousand dollars.”
“Although I had not had the privilege of mediating with you before this case, I had certainly heard good things about you from other attorneys. Your performance exceeded my expectations. I appreciated the way that you pointed out the weaknesses in my client’s case without being offensive and continued to focus on directing the party’s energies toward a positive resolution. I was extremely happy with the way that we stayed on task and continued to be productive throughout a very lengthy session.
Thank you for your outstanding efforts in helping us settle a very emotionally charged case. I will look forward to the next mediation I have before you.”
“Thanks again for your work on our case.”
“I thought you were great. Definitely will use you again.”
“Thanks again for your work on this case. I hope to get to work with you again.”
“You did a great job, and I particularly appreciated that you were funny as well as wise. Thanks again,…”
“Michelle, You did a GREAT job.
Candidly, there were moments during the day where I felt like you were just repeating (other side’s) arguments, and I wondered if you had a really dim view of (Company’s) position, or whether this just sort of a brute force tactic. But then I realized you were conveying her real message: Will (Company) please listen to me explain how much this hurts!!! And that aligned perfectly with the joint session, which was at exactly the right time. I had way less than the usual remorse over this settlement!”
“Hello Michelle,
I hope you are feeling better. You carried on like “a trooper” with the cold and got the job done. I know my clients trusted you were treating them fairly. I would not hesitate to recommend you as a mediator. Take care.”
“It was a pleasure working with you and look forward do doing so again in the very near future.”
“Thanks Michelle. I appreciated your mediation services and will definitely recommend you to others.”
“Dear Michelle, It was a pleasure working with you and you absolutely lived up to the high expectations created by my colleagues who had worked with you before. Both myself and my client appreciated your willingness to persevere long into the long night (and into the next day!) to obtain a resolution in an emotionally difficult sexual harassment matter. I look forward to working with you again in the future.”
I wanted to say a very big thank you for getting this matter settled under such adverse conditions. You went beyond what most mediators would do when faced with a party who simply does not want to settle. I really enjoyed getting to know you and I hope I will be able to use you in the future and will definitely recommend you to our southern California office.”
“Thank you Michelle. It was a pleasure working with you.”
“Thanks Michelle for your hard work in this matter”
“First and foremost, I must say that I was very impressed and happy with your services. You were able to help get a difficult case settled. I must be honest that I was skeptical when we had first agreed to use you for the mediation. I had spoken with many of my colleagues about you as far as getting good/bad recommendations for whether to use you. It was a unanimous response that you were a fantastic mediator. With you being a former Plaintiff’s employment attorney yourself, I had my reservations on how things would go for the defense side.
Needless to say, my concerns were proven wrong, and I can see why you received a unanimous A+ recommendation across the board from all of my colleagues. Again, I was very pleased and impressed with your knowledge of the law, the facts of our specific case, and your ability to deal with my clients, explain the legal issues to them, and help us reach a resolution that no one liked (which I think are the best types of resolutions, right? Both sides felt they didn’t get enough or gave too much – which means that your job was successful, as we ultimately did settle the case).
Thank you for all of your hard work in getting this case settled. It is very much appreciated… I will be putting your name at the top of my mediators list.”
“Dear Michelle,
Thank you for your tireless efforts in getting this case settled. Your positive attitude about settlement prospects, during and after the mediation, helped to encourage the parties and counsel to keep at it. This lawsuit involved some very difficult emotional issues, and you deftly handled them to everyone's benefit. We look forward to mediating with you in the future.”
“It was a very good experience. See you again soon I hope”
“You are so MONEY, as the saying goes.
Meaning you are so good at what you do.
You meshed perfectly with plaintiff, her counsel, and everyone on our side, and the end result was totally fair because both sides felt the pain.”
“My clients and I were glad to have the matter resolve, and for your efforts in getting us there. As you know, this mediation was a little different for us because we were not the active participants. However, my clients appreciated your efforts in keeping them informed about the mediation and reaching a resolution.
I did appreciate the fact that you were very knowledgeable in employment law and litigation. Your evaluation of the case and our position was important to work with my clients about the case. I also appreciated how you kept us in the loop about the goings on. This also made it easier to work with the clients when it came time to ask them for money.
Thank you very much for your assistance. I am sure that we will run across each other in another case.”
“I've been meaning to reach out to you to let you know that although (clients) paid FAR to much, you did a fantastic job. Thank you for your tenacity; your tireless effort and patience under trying circumstances was exemplary and greatly appreciated. Thanks for staying so late and closing the shop for us. ”
“Hello, Michelle: I just wanted to thank you for all your efforts in getting the (X) matter settled.” (re: termination of long term employee, whistleblower allegs)
“Thank you very much. I must say, you lived up to your excellent reputation. I have told my employment law colleagues about you. I believe that one of them will be mediating a case with you soon. I look forward to using your services again in the future.”
“Thank you again for your time on this. We greatly appreciate it and look forward to working with you again in the near future.”