Michelle Reinglass ADR
Apr 14, 2013
Motivation and De-motivation: Worth thinking about
Although I mediate many different types of cases, due to my 30 years of experience litigating employment cases, those form the majority...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Apr 13, 2013
Mediation tip: "The other side is too far away for me to respond"
There are a number of ways to get past this type of perceived impasse. Telling the other side to "change their number" seldom works, and...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Feb 17, 2013
Lessons for Mediations: Litigation & Life
The recent unfolding of events involving Chris Dorner, while extremely sad and tragic in so many ways, also highlight an important part...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Feb 10, 2013
Mediation tip: Giving a demand before mediation
Fear drives many actions and inactions in a mediation. For example, sometimes defendants request an opening demand from plaintiff before...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Dec 12, 2012
Mediation tip: Giving up the lawsuit
Some parties have difficulty giving up their lawsuit. If asked, "Are you ready to settle and put it behind you?" they may answer "yes",...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Oct 29, 2012
Mediation tip: Letting it percolate
Fortunately most cases do resolve at mediation, yet sometimes they need time to "percolate". Time allows you to process all the new...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Oct 1, 2012
Mediation tips: An amalgam of observations.....
Through the past few busy weeks of mediations, I've accumulated an amalgam of observations, in no particular order: Parties need to be...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Aug 18, 2012
Mediation tip: The importance of never giving up
This past week 3 cases in mediation settled, cases which even I (the annoying optimist) thought wouldn't settle, at least not then. Two...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Jul 6, 2012
Mediation tip: Perception IS reality
How someone feels, becomes strongly ingrained in their perception of reality. Trying to shake away that perception is rarely easy or...
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Michelle Reinglass ADR
Jun 15, 2012
Mediation Tip: Prepare for your expectations
Better preparation for your expectations. Often parties/lawyers come to the mediation expecting the other side to realize the strength &...
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